Melinjo seed contains lots of resveratrol (stilbenoid) which is the same polyphenol subtance as found in red wine. They have characteristics that most of them are in dimer form (Gnetin C), called Melinjo Resveratrol.
While red wine was on the peak of its popularity, the substance that gets the most attention is resveratrol.
Resveratrol is also known to protect the plant while being invaded by vermin, or while the climate is severe.
Plant which contains resveratrol are grape skin, any type of seeds, bud, and any type of peanuts.
Melinjo Resveratrol (dimer resveratrol), which is the same polyphenol as found in red wine, has powerful antioxidant effect, and is expected to be effective in preventing arteriosclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer`s disease and lifestyle diseases.
●Examples of Polyphenol in Food
Flavonoid : tea, grape, soba, Japanese sweet potato, cacao, soybean, etc
Stilbenoid : grape, melinjo, yam, peanut, etc
Other : coffee, mangosteen, raspberry, etc