Mr Winarno Tohir
A farmer cooperates with the government, and let's aim at the self-sufficiency. In each world country, there are many places where a support system of the government supporting the farmer of the own country is established. Because it becomes able to be said that it is a developed country, it is important factor to aim at "the self-sufficiency". For example, I watched the agriculture situation of the Thai country, and, not only the establishment of the self-sufficient system,but also for the export of farm products, I did see what accomplished serious growth of my eye. However, it is important that a farmhouse and the government push forward a policy and the collaborative relationship that considered Indonesian culture with in while we follow the situation of other countries all in one. I want to do an alarm bell in one of the urgent important problems having the deficiency of the irrigation system of Java. There are some kind of problems with the irrigation facilities of 52% of Java now. Indonesian agriculture cannot find it tomorrow if we do not solve this fast. And the Indonesian farmer must push on for the making of tomorrow's country while cooperating with the government.